Our program in November was "When Good Sweaters go Bad" or as Andrea, our presenter put it - "Sweater Regrets- I've Knit a Few". The idea was for Andrea to discuss the many, many sweaters she has knitted over the years and all of the things she has learned from both her mistakes and triumphs.
Below are photos and notes from each sweater she presented. (You can click the photos to see them bigger)
Sweater 1:
Andrea began knitting in 2005 in Inthica, NY, when she began working at a yarn shop.
Her first sweater happened during this time, with some Rowan Yarn. Sadly, she did not know to fully read labels, and as such it felted and shrunk when she washed it the first time.
Sweater 2:
This was a sweater she knitted for her husband (I think he was fiance at the time) with an Interweave Knits Pattern.
She altered the sleeves and the math didn't work out well.
She also learned, as he wore it, that he was allergic to wool!
Sweater 3:
Knitted in Rowan Cashsoft DK, this sweater was deemed the "Worty Sweater" because of the bobble pattern.
Andrea enjoys the funky bobbles, and learned to do zippers in the process.
Sweater 4:
Her first sweater when she moved to TX with husband for his job. Quickly learned to not use heavy wool in the TX heat!
Sweater 5:
A very lacy sweater that ended up shrinking in the wash, even on delicate.
(No photo sorry!)
Sweater 6:
A merino/cashmere blend that, when blocked, lost it shape. It ended up expanding the wrong way.
Prior to knitting, she swatched, but did not block said swatch. She learned to block her swatches, including hanging them to simulate the weight of your body. She also learned to watch what yarn you substitute, as the original pattern called for 100% merino (I think that's right?)
Sweater 7:
Yarn from Iceland, that ended up way too itchy for a sweater. She also had issues with the yoke.
Converted from a pullover to a cardigan, which is part of the issue with yoke.
Clever idea - blocked by walking in the rain while wearing it!
Sweater 8:
Boho Chic'. The measurements were good across the hips, but she should have gone up a size. Also made the sleeves longer than listed, but didn't realize they'd block out REALLY long.
Sweater 9:
"Tecumseh" sweater finished this past summer. This sweater was swatched, but somehow still blocked out too big and the blue yarn bled like crazy! There were also tension issues due to adding the extra feather design.
Andrea recommends going up a size with colorwork to fix tension issues.
Sweater 10:
Kaitlin Hunter pattern - apparently Kaitlin Hunter makes very "blousy" patterns.
This is still a WIP for Andrea. She blocked the yoke to see how it would fit. Learned that the blue opened up more than the pink - because the blue yarn has silk in it, but the pink doesn't.
Sweater 11:
Latest Finish! Laura Nelkin "Poca" . Very interesting construction. Starts at the cuff, working to the shoulder, than back to front, then to the other cuff. While a fun knit, it is not a good shape on Andrea.
Overall, Andrea shared her learning experiences with us and we all walked away with ideas of what to do (and not to do) when we are working on a sweater. Sweaters are scary, they are just finicky!
Thanks to the Amazing Andrea for the program and for letting me take photos - I know some are not so flattering!
December Meeting/Party info!
December 14th, 2018 5:30-6 setup time, 6:00 dinner time. WC Mercantile in Navasota, TX.
It’s that time of the year! The official BVKG Christmas party! We will be at WC Mercantile in Navasota this year to celebrate the holidays as only knitters know how - with food and yarn!
Potluck! Please, if you can,tell us what you will bring on the Ravelry Thread: LINK
The guild is providing a ham. We will purchase it and Stephanie at WC will heat it up for us
The guild is providing a ham. We will purchase it and Stephanie at WC will heat it up for us
Gift exchange (optional). This year we are keeping it simple. Bring a skein of yarn (either from stash or bought special for this) and pair it with a small goodie. Chocolate bar. hot cocoa
. Tea. Coffee. Etc. KEEP IT SIMPLE. We will do a white elephant style (Stealing TBD) so anyone who brings something will get something. All we ask is that yarn be a Natural Fiber yarn please :)

Socializing, a party game (or 2) and charity knit (project gratitude) recognition will also take place.
Haven’t paid dues yet? Come anyway and pay there ($20 for the year). Not an official member or haven’t been to a guild meeting before? We’d love to meet you and tell you what we do. Consider coming and learning more about the great things we have planned for 2019!